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[VIDEO] Open Carrying Man Targeted For Robbery, Many Things Go Wrong

I’m not a fan of open carry, and I’ve stated my case (to much criticism) in the past. I don’t think it should be illegal to openly carry a firearm, but it just isn’t for me.

John has a video for us that shows a man being targeted for openly carrying his firearm. The bad guy wants the other guy’s gun, but the other guy is now going to fight to keep it.

Things get ugly from there.

In the video below, we can see how things unfold. I’ll let you give it a watch and listen to the lessons that John provides. Honestly though, I was cringing the entire video. The need to maintain control over the firearm, the pistol-whipping by the armed citizen, and finally the shot in the rear end while the bad guy was moving in the opposite direction.

What do you think? Where’s your personal stance on open carry?

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