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Trio Bring BB Gun To A Real Gun Fight. One Dead, Two In Jail, And A Concealed Carrier Deemed Justified In Use Of Deadly Force

ALLENTOWN, PENNSYLVANIA — A group of people were on the prowl in the very early morning hours last Saturday. Their very first target was a man who had just parked his car on his way to visit friends.

Antonio Santiago had been heading to a friend’s house in the 1000 block of Turner Street. Santiago was approached by two men as he parked his vehicle, officials said.

The men, who had their faces partially covered, forced open his car door and demanded money.

Shane Gesnaker, one of the men, was holding what was described as a black pistol. Gesnaker struck Santiago in the left side of his face.

Santiago said the men had sprayed him in the face with pepper spray or mace.

Santiago then grabbed his 9mm handgun and fired one shot at the men, who then fled. Gesnaker was struck by a bullet and fell to the ground about 50 feet from Santiago’s vehicle.

via wfmz.com

In a rare case, Gesnaker’s two criminal companions tried to render aid to their fallen thug. 31-year-old Andrew Eberts, partner in crime, was attempting CPR when police arrived. The other crime partner and girlfriend of the deceased, 28-year-old Kaitlin Acierno, was also nearby after the incident. Acierno was more interested in saving herself, however, and surveillance video captured her trying to discard the bb gun.

Both were arrested for their involvement. While the news report didn’t mention charges stemming from the death of Gesnaker, they should be charged in that fashion as well.

Some of the surveillance video can be seen in the news report here.

Santiago has a concealed carry permit in the state, and the DA deemed his use of deadly force justified.

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