
FBI: Armed Customer Fires At Bank Robber

WHITE ROCK, TEXAS — In what quickly turned into a robbery-gone-bad, a man who attempted to rob a back in White Rock, Texas, managed to get himself shot at by an armed customer who was also in the bank.

Being a small town, the gunshots shut down the whole community — thankfully, no one was hurt, although the robber is still evading law enforcement.

As The Los Alamos Monitor reports:

Several witnesses reported hearing shots a bit before noon on Tuesday. An armed man dressed in all black, with his face covered, reportedly held up the bank and received an undisclosed amount of money.

Herman Manzanares, owner of Herman’s Auto next door to the bank in White Rock, said he and his employees heard the shots.

“We saw the guy run around to Rover and we saw the man who shot at him go back into the bank. We called 911 and so did the bank,” Manzanares said.

A few minutes later police arrived; traffic snarled as heavily armed police sought the suspect.

The small town – a bedroom community for nearby Los Alamos – shut down with residents asked to stay inside and school children locked inside their schools.

“It was just chaos,” Manzanares said.

The FBI is now involved in the investigation, and they’ve offered a reward of $1,000 to anyone willing to provide information leading to the arrest and conviction of the criminal, the Associated Press reported via Las Cruces Sun News.

I am a little jealous — it’s not every bank that will allow you to be armed within their walls. Mine won’t.

However, I bet they are thankful that they had an armed, responsible citizen inside now — who knows what that robber would have done if left unchallenged.

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