Couple Happens Upon Robbery, Escape With Their Lives

A US couple on a tour in Nairobi were abruptly attacked while travelling on a rough road after they spotted…

When you’re on a trip in a foreign country, it’s not always an option to have adequate self-defense items with you. The threats are real, and you can find yourself a sitting duck in a second.

A couple traveling in Kenya were on a tour when they came upon a robbery in the works. Luckily they were able to get out and escape danger, thanks to their vehicle, but it’s a bad situation to be in.

When I traveled to Brazil, the worst part for me was not having my firearm. While the trip was uneventful (meaning nothing bad happened), it’s still something that bothers me anytime I travel outside of the Country.

But if you’re going to travel, you’re going to likely be unarmed. Are you prepared for that?

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