Texas School District Now Has Signs That Say “Hey Bad Guys, We Will Shoot Back”

Leave it to the folks in Texas to do something amazing for students and gun rights alike. Argyle ISD now has some brand-spankin’ new signs on each of their campuses that deliver the following message to anyone looking to do harm to their students and/or faculty:


Back in January of this year, the school district voted in favor of these changes. But, not just anyone can carry on campus. Any faculty that is going to do this is required to have the following requirements:

-Maintain a handgun license
-Pass a psychological evaluation
-Complete firearms training classes
-Complete emergency response training classes

This is a district that’s ready and prepared to kick off the school year.

Argyle ISD Superintendent, Dr. Telena Wright tells NewsFix continuous training is required, and some training even took place over summer break. However, the names and number of pistol-packing teachers will not be released for safety reasons.

Just imagine for a moment if every school across the country began to employ such changes. The landscape for school shootings would change overnight. This is a great step in the right direction.

Now we’ll (hopefully) wait for others to follow suit.

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