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DUI Suspect Shot Dead After Trying To Retrieve Gun Thrown In Bushes *WARNING: GRAPHIC*

LAS VEGAS, NEVADA — A man suspected of DUI was talking to police after an accident, and things turned from bad to worse when the man would not cooperate with police. The incident was captured on multiple body cameras, and shows the man walking away and then grabbing a pistol that was stashed in a nearby bush.

The Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department released bodycam footage showing the fatal shooting of Kenneth Ryan Busse Jr. The suspect had been involved in a car accident, and the responding officers believed that he was intoxicated. After refusing a field sobriety test, Busse retrieved a gun hidden in a nearby bush and fired at the police, forcing them to gun him down.

That body cam footage can be seen below:

This story doesn’t necessarily relate to concealed carry, but it shows us how difficult the job can be for law enforcement. It also shows how much pressure departments are under after an officer-involved shooting.

Two shots took the suspect down after he fired at police. At some point, the suspect’s gun has a malfunction and does not allow him to fire anymore.

Bad decisions on his part led to his ultimate demise, and it would seem that police made the correct decisions here.

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