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Man Gropes One Woman, Attacks Another, and Earns a Bullet to the Neck

CHICAGO, IL — A man got a bullet to the neck when he groped one woman in his home, then attacked another, the Chicago Sun-Times reports.

Then the woman who shot him just plan bolted.

According to the Chicago Sun-Times:

A man was shot in the neck by a woman he groped and then attacked another woman early Wednesday in the Bronzeville neighborhood on the South Side. The 56-year-old man was inside a home with two women when he began groping one of them. The woman asked him to stop but he pushed her to the ground where she grabbed a handgun out of her purse, Chicago police said.

The man pushed her again, causing the gun to go off. A bullet struck him in the neck about 2 a.m. in the 3000 block of South Michigan, Chicago police said. The woman who fired the gun left the home, got into a vehicle and drove off, police said.

The man then attacked the other woman who was still inside the home. He struck her multiple times across her body and bit part of her ear off, police said. She was taken to Mercy Hospital where she was in good condition, police said.

Now, this is tricky, and this is incredibly frustrating — you gotta empathize with this poor woman. That being said, we’ve got to take a look at what happened here, because it’s a nightmare.

First thing: if you pull the trigger and neutralize an attacker — namely in this case if you shoot him in the neck — you stay and call authorities, or have the other person present call authorities. Don’t run. The aftermath will be hell.

That brings us to the second point. If you’ve got a friend, or even an acquaintance, in a home with a what was just a deadly threat, maybe don’t abandon them there after a deadly threat-level altercation.

That’s just common sense.

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