Man at Drive-Thru Blasts Through Window to Robbery Suspect

SANTA ANA, CA — A man was shot while trying to commit a robbery at a fast food robbery in the strangest of ways — an armed individual who was completing a transaction in the drive-thru window.

The driver saw the danger and reacted — by shooting through the drive-thru window across the store.

He then drove off, which is probably a pretty solid indicator the gunman might not be entirely on the level, either.

As NBC reports:

A 60-year-old man in Santa Ana was robbing a restaurant early Saturday morning and taking cash from the register when a second man at the drive-thru window took out a gun, started shooting and struck the robbery suspect. The robbery suspect was shot twice in the upper torso area according to the Santa Ana Police Department, and the shooting suspect drove off. No description of the shooting suspect was immediately available.

After the chaotic scene, the robber did not get far and collapsed outside the Cozy Corner Drive-In, where the shooting took place. Police took the robbery suspect, who was also a shooting victim, to a nearby hospital, where he remained on Saturday being treated for gunshot wounds… On Saturday afternoon, the restaurant was open for business even with fresh gunshot holes visible in the glass, wood counter and even the register. The staff, understandably, was still shaken up.

The restaurant’s manager, Francisco Reyno, says he’s just happy that none of his employees were hurt and that the stolen money was immediately recovered. What was the amount that caused all this trouble?

“$274,” Reyno says.

This is incredible. Of course, the scary thing here for a concealed carrier is that if you’re in a drive-thru window, not only is your maneuverability hampered to how you can drive while wielding a firearm and what field of view you can achieve while sitting at an angle.

That being said, if you could see and were confident in your driving ability if you needed to employ it, you’re in a hell of a position for a surprise neutralization of a deadly threat.

Not too bad.

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