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Infographic: Women’s Favorite Holsters And Carry Locations

In the world of concealed carry, women have been taking the plunge by the thousands (millions?) over the past few years. That number may be even higher, but the point is that more women than ever are carrying firearms for self-defense.

Part of this uptick is thanks to businesses such as The Well Armed Woman, who are here to help promote and guide women who are looking to get into concealed carry.

TWAW has done a lot of positive things over the years, and one thing that they’ve done again is to provide women with some stats based on sales. These stats show what holsters are the most popular, as well as the preferred carry locations.

Check out the infographic below, as well as the press release;

The Well Armed Woman Releases New Data For Women Gun Owners

Shows Women’s Most Popular Holsters and Carry Locations

(Scottsdale, Ariz.) – Aug. 14, 2018 – The Well Armed Woman, LLC, released new data today that will particularly appeal to women gun owners. Their study shows the most popular holsters that women purchase, as well as carry locations, on and off body.

“One of the most important issues we work on daily with our customers is finding the right concealed carry holsters for them. Holsters that work with their bodies, their clothing and their favorite firearm. Another issue we assist with is finding that ideal firearm to fit your needs. We want every Well Armed Woman to carry their firearm with confidence knowing that it is safely secure where they need it most,” says Carrie Lightfoot, founder of The Well Armed Woman, LLC.

Reviewing the sales data of The Well Armed Woman, LLC shows some exciting trends. First, and most striking, is that the majority of women are carrying their firearms IWB holsters (In The Waistband), 42% of customers in fact.

When looking at the numbers for OWB holsters (On The Waistband or Outside the Waistband), as well as Belly Bands, it tells an even more powerful message. These two holsters carry the firearm in what Lightfoot calls the “Sweet Spot,” or the area on or around your waistband. Adding all of these “Sweet Spot” numbers, the percentage rises to a whopping 67%!

Lightfoot states, “There are a variety of creative locations and holsters for women to choose from to maximize concealment for their lifestyle, body, and clothing choices. This is something I think is very important to us as women and is something we strive to provide our customers. Our preferences can vary so much from woman to woman.”

More information about this data, as well as the infographic showing carry positions and holster choices can be found here: https://thewellarmedwoman.com/concealed-carry/where-women-conceal-carry-infographic/

All products, articles, training, news, and giveaways can be found on The Well Armed Woman website: https://thewellarmedwoman.com/

About The Well Armed Woman, LLC

The Well Armed Woman, LLC is the largest, most comprehensive online resource and e-commerce site dedicated to products for the woman shooter. TWAW Shooting Chapters, Inc. is a 501 c 3 Non-profit organization, which exists to educate and empower women in a safe and non-threatening environment for their effective and responsible self-defense with firearms.

Contact: Carrie Lightfoot

Email address: [email protected]

Website: https://thewellarmedwoman.com

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