
This School District In Florida Is Establishing It’s Own Police Force To Combat School Shootings

A Florida mandate requires that all schools have an armed officer by the start of the next school year, and one district has come up with it’s own solution to the problem. A big concern across the state is simple; where to get all of the armed officers from? Of course they would come from local law enforcement agencies, but many are already stretched thin and may not be able to have dedicated officers stationed at every single school. In response, the Sarasota County School District has voted to create their own police force to watch over their entire district. The move is said to also save the district roughly $3 Million. The board approved the measure on Tuesday.
The Sarasota County School Board took the first official steps toward establishing the police department Tuesday evening by approving a variety of new job descriptions. In a 3-2 vote, board members authorized the job requirements for two key leadership positions for the district’s new police department: the chief of police and police sergeant.
This could be a move that we see other districts follow, and would seem to give them more control over everything. The force would have the same rights and responsibilities as a regular police force. The move by Governor Rick Scott to require at least one armed officer at every school is a commendable one, and we hope that it proves to be enough of a deterrent to those who are thinking about entering a school with the intentions of killing. What do you think about this move by the Sarasota County School District? Let us know in the comments section below.
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