
NRA and Armed Citizens Trounce Anti-Gunners Where It Matters

You may hear — heck , you may even believe — that anti-gun activists are making headway against the National Rifle Association.

But you’d be wrong.

Love them, hate them, or tolerate them, the NRA is one of the most powerful pro-gun action groups in the United States, and they’re a darn sight better than our friends at Every Town for Gun Safety.

And they’re currently kicking the opposition’s tail end where it counts, and so are we, the American gun-buying public.

First thing’s first: you’ll be happy to know, according to The Washington Free Beacon, that April 2018 saw more NICS gun-related checks than any other April on record. That’s a lot of gun purchases and concealed carry permits finding their way into the hands of law-abiding Americans, where they belong.

In addition, the NRA looked to add 100,000 members to their ranks in 100 days, according to Townhall, bolstering their strength and effectiveness.

They exceeded their goal by 900,000, Townhall noted. They’re now numbering around 6,000,000.

IOn order to effectively work against the anti-gun lobby, however, activists need cash.

If gun-grabbers knew what the fundraising numbers were in April, NRA versus the top three anti-gun PACs, they’d probably start looking for a pricier store than a supermarket to lie around in.

According to The Washington Free Beacon, the NRA collected 2.75 times the amount that the top 3 anti-gun PACs did combined for April of 2018.

The NRA’s total of $1,852,323.28 represents a retreat from the record amount the group raised in March but is still more than the top three gun-control PACs combined. The Giffords PAC raised $653,510.53 in April, the Everytown for Gun Safety PAC raised $16,552.33, and the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence Voter Education Fund raised $4,015.00. The three groups combined raised $674,077.86, which is $1,178,245.42 less than the NRA.

It’s almost like the promises and threats of so many anti-gunners are empty.

Actually, it’s just like that.

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