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Teen Thug Given Every Chance in The World to Back Down decides on Attempted Murder

BAKERSFIELD, CA — A teenager set on making some easy cash from the shed of a local homeowner may have tried to kill the man who confronted him because he was scared, or because he was enraged.

Either way the young man, who was confronted by the armed homeowner but initially not fired upon, lost his chance to leave the scene without a bullet inside him because when given the chance to back down, he instead attempted murder.

As KBAK reports:

The Kern County Sheriff’s Office said a resident shot a teenage burglar overnight after the teen tried to stab the man. Deputies were sent around 2:20 a.m. to the 1100 block of Webster Street, near Niles and Mt. Vernon. When deputies arrived, the resident, a man, was holding the suspect, a 17-year-old boy, at gunpoint. The resident put his gun away as deputies approached.

The Sheriff’s Office determined the resident confronted the teen about breaking into his backyard shed. That’s when the teen allegedly tried to stab the resident, and the resident responded by shooting the teen in the leg. The Sheriff’s Office said the teen will get medical care before being booked into Juvenile Hall. The resident appears to have acted in self-defense and won’t be arrested, the Sheriff’s Office said.

This burglar was very, very lucky.

First off, a homeowner found a burglar in his backyard, breaking into his backyard shed. That’s not quite cause for opening fire in most areas — especially California — but as we’ve seen here before, jumpy homeowners have opened fire in similar scenarios, legality notwithstanding.

After being confronted, he then decides to try his luck against a man with a gun and the drop on him, and was predictably shot — still not killed. The punk was shot in the leg and held at gunpoint until authorities to arrive.

He gave the homeowner no reason to take it easy on him, but the homeowner judiciously did exactly what was necessary to neutralize the threat, and not a thing more.

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