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WATCH: Store Owner Shoots At Armed Robbers, Sends One To The Ground

WHITEHAVEN, TN — When a pair of thugs entered a phone store looking to make some cash, they were soundly beaten by the store’s owner.

They were already brandishing their guns, and that was all the warning the owner needed to counter the attack.

As FOX 13 reports:

A Whitehaven store owner fought back when two armed robbers came into his store. It happened just Friday evening just before 6:00 p.m. on Millbranch near Shelby Drive.

The store owner fired his gun and started shooting at the two men. He hit one of the suspects who immediately dropped to the ground. The man was taken to the hospital and is expected to be okay. The other suspect is at large.

By the time the would-be robbers made it a few feet inside the door, they were being fired on.

As the surveillance video below shows, the fight was decidedly one-sided.

One of the suspects was reportedly hit, and found at the hospital later.

Take a look at the surveillance video below:

These thugs didn’t know what hit them.

This is another example of the importance of carrying firearms at work. These robbers were clearly ready to shoot the workers at the store.

Everyone in the area was threatened because someone thought it was a good idea to attack a local businessman, and if no one was armed except for the robbers, there’s a better than average chance an innocent person would end up seriously injured, or worse.

Stay safe out there, folks.

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