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Unlucky Intruder Shot Twice While Trying To Break Into Apartment

SAC CITY, IA — When one thug tried to get into an apartment and do some serious harm, a responsibly-armed citizen was ready to shut him down.

And shut him down he did. As the Globe Gazette reports:

Bendji Joseph, of Fort Dodge, has been charged with burglary and is in stable condition after he was flown to a Sioux City hospital for his gunshot wounds.

The Sac City Police Department responded to a call of shots fired at 211 S. Fifth St. at 4 a.m. Wednesday.

After an investigation, a news release said that Joseph forcibly entered the apartment without permission with the intent to commit a serious or aggravated assault.

Fearing serious bodily injury or death, Miguel Alcantara, one of the apartment’s occupants, fired two shots at Joseph with a 9mm pistol, hitting him twice.

Joseph was transported to Loring Hospital in Sac City for treatment and was later life-flighted to Mercy Hospital in Sioux City, where he is believed to be in stable condition.

Joseph has been charged with felony first- and third-degree burglary.

Score one for the 9mm guys — or is it? The occupant did fire twice.

But in all seriousness, do you know how refreshing it is to see an incident in which the good guy fired exactly the right amount of shots and stopped — without missing the bad guy or shooting too many?

This reads as though Alcantara had a pretty reasonable idea of what he was doing, and we should, too.

Use whatever you need to make sure that you can defend your home well and safely. Need a shotgun? Fine. .45 ACP? Okay. The long and complicated set of traps from “Home Alone 2: Lost in New York?”

You know what, that’s fine, too.

But use what you are going to employ for home defense consistently — don’t let it be a flavor of the month. Use a light should you feel the need — some love them, and others don’t. That goes for lasers and night sights, too.

Whatever gets the job done the easiest for you and with the least risk of collateral damage is your winning ticket.

What do you use? Please share this story on Facebook and Twitter and let us know!

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