Family Turmoil: Father Shot And Killed By Son-In-Law After Forcing Way Into Home

GORE, OK — A father was shot and killed by his son-in-law when he forced his way into the home of his daughter and her husband, the Salina Journal reports.

Apparently, the son-in-law was ready to defend his family, no matter what.

As the Salina Journal reports:

(Sequoyah County Sheriff Larry) Lane said Bob Shanks, 61, of Salina, allegedly forced his way into the home of his daughter Mandy and Joseph Pack, who live at 99948 N. Highway 100, north of Gore, and was shot to death by Pack.

Pack then called authorities to report the shooting.

Lane said that a couple of days earlier, a sheriff’s deputy and child welfare workers had been sent to the Pack house. Lane wasn’t sure who notified authorities or why they were asked to go to the home. Pack has two children with Shanks’ daughter, Lane said.

Lane said Shanks’ visit “could have been related to the child welfare visit. I’m not totally sure.” Lane said Shanks’ wife, who was not named, had urged him not to go to their daughter’s home because she felt uncomfortable.

“I believe there was some hostility there before,” Lane said. However, Shanks talked her into driving him to the house. Lane said authorities interviewed Joseph Pack but he was not arrested.

“Not enough probable cause,” he said. “It’s looking like more of a self-defense deal.”

Family deaths are always nightmarish, but it’s almost more disturbing with the vague calls to child welfare. It would seem as though Pack had some legitimate reason to worry for the safety of his two children.

Hats off to him for keeping his family safe — even when that meant engaging other family.

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