
[VIDEO] Seeing An Armed Thug On Your Surveillance Camera Is A Chilling Thought

JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA — A homeowner was shaken up after seeing a thug looking through his front door, and the creepy and unsettling incident was captured on home surveillance video. You can watch part of that video above. The homeowner, Michael Grubb, was at home when the man was creeping around. From local news;
“If you look in the window, you can see all the stuff we have — the TV and all the nice stuff. I imagine he was trying to get something,” Grubb said. Grubb said he grabbed his gun and that’s when the man is seen dashing off. A woman told Action News Jax off-camera that this same guy tried forcing his way into her home and she called police. In a nearby neighborhood, there have been several recent breaks-ins. A woman who didn’t to be identified said her door was kicked in two days ago.
Within a 2 mile radius, there have been 11 burglaries and 2 robberies in the last month. Some think that the same man is responsible for some, if not all of these incidents. Or, possibly more practical, that he’s a part of a larger group of thugs looking to steal from these homes. The surveillance camera is a great tool to have, because Grubb was alerted prior to any possible break-in. With those extra few seconds, Grubb was able to arm himself and have a great shot at defense if the man decided to make entry. We always talk about carrying at home, as it gives you extremely quick access to your firearm. Bad can turn to worse in seconds, and it’s always a good idea to have your firearm as close as possible.
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