
Man Forced to Make Deadly Decision to Defend His Dog

CHESAPEAKE, VA — The owner of a German Shepherd fired his handgun into the ground to scare off two Pit Bulls attacking his dog, reports WVEC.

After they were driven off the first time, they returned and the owner was forced to shoot one of the two pit bulls, and its future is unknown.

As WVEC reports:

Detective Dorienne Boykin with Chesapeake Police Department said the man with the German Shepherd and his dog were in an alley behind the 1000 block of Decatur St. around 10:50 a.m. when two Pit Bulls attacked the German Shepherd. The man fired into the ground to scare the Pit Bulls and they ran off. Then, they came back and went after the German Shepherd again.

Family members who own the dog say the two Pit Bulls never left the backyard.

“After the first shot, we were right there. We saw the dog limping. How did the dog get back in that fast if we came right after the first shot? It doesn’t make sense,” explained Deonte McClarty.

Police issued summonses to the owner of the Pit Bulls, 30-year-old Jarel McClarty. The summonses were for Reckless Handling of a Firearm and Discharging a Firearm in Public.”

McClarty allegedly shot at the owner of the German Shepherd after he saw his own dog injured, reports WVEC.

The owner of the German Shepherd was not charged for his part in the incident.

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