Friends Mistake Friend For Robbers After Attempted Robbery At Apartment

HOUSTON, TX — There are few things worse than a shooting case of mistaken identity, and now, because of a group of friends’ lack of judgment, one of their friends is dead.

It all started with a group of robbers.

As Chron reports:

A man was with friends in his apartment off El Camino Real near Seafoam when a group of assailants arrived and attempted to rob them; the man who was renting the apartment fled.

When he later returned, police said, his friends mistook him for one of the robbers returning, and he was shot through the apartment window.

Officers responded to the scene at about 11:45 p.m., after which the man was transported to a hospital, where he was pronounced dead.”

Chron reports that no charges have been filed as of May 20, and the original robbers remain at large.

This brings up a massive part of self-defense that is not often talked about.

After a traumatic incident, such as a group of assailants attempting to rob you, your nerves will be shot. There’s really not a whole heck of a lot to do about that.

But afterwards, you are no less accountable for your actions than when you are of sound mind.

Always, always, always know what you are shooting at.

And if you’re hosting a group of friends, maybe don’t run out on them when things get tough.

Please share this story on Facebook and Twitter — people need to know about this kind of situation!

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