
Every Night Carry

You have chosen to carry concealed because you have decided as we all do, that our safety and the safety of our loved ones is our personal responsibility. You’ve chosen a gun, and you’ve chosen a quality holstering system that fits your needs. Carrying daily has become not only a habit but also a natural part of your everyday clothing choices. When you get home at night and get ready to unwind, what do you do with your gun?

So many people ask me in classes, “where’s the best place to store my gun when I get home?” Standard answer? “Same place you had it all day, on your body.”

People often think carrying at home is either being paranoid or simply odd. But if you think about it, criminals don’t punch a clock. The main reason we carry concealed is to protect ourselves and our loved ones because we know that police are at least 10 minutes away. And that begs the question, why would you lock up your gun simply because you’re home? The only time I take my gun off is to work out, shower or when I’m in bed. Even then, it’s very close by, holstered and accessible. Accessibility is always key. Fumbling around with a safe after being sound asleep, with the addition of a major adrenaline rush, may impede your ability to quickly access your gun.

Everyday carry is a topic covered often, but what about every night carry? The bed stand is another aspect of concealed carry that we often overlook. What’s next to your bed? Some suggestions are, of course, a good flashlight. You can get a relatively inexpensive 300 lumen light at a home improvement store for less than $25. It may not be what you’d carry in your pockets, but it’s job is to stay at the bedside.

Another thing that goes to the bedside right beside my holstered gun is my cell phone. In a critical home defense situation, being on the phone to 911 immediately, and keeping the line open with the dispatcher is beneficial for several reasons.

First, the call is recorded, so if you’ve done all the right things, such as shouting out to an intruder that you have 911 on the phone and that you have a gun and are willing use it to protect yourself, the recording will reflect that. Second, maintaining a dialogue with the dispatcher will get the best information to police arriving on the scene. (The last thing you want is to have police mistake you for the bad guy.) The cell phone allows you the wireless flexibility to move to a designated safe area unencumbered. And, there are no lines to cut on a cell phone.

Something you might want to consider is a small set of ear plugs. If you’ve ever fired a gun inside, you know just how loud it can be even with ear protection. I realize you aren’t going to want to take the time to stuff ear protection into your ears, nor would you want to have your hearing completely muted if someone is in your home, but even a cheap set of plugs partially put in the ears will go a long way in protecting your hearing if there is, indeed, indoor gunfire. Some people choose a suppressor for this reason.

Now, there are certainly many options besides your bedside stand, such as using the Tactical Walls products, to keep a long gun handy to the bed. If you haven’t seen them, they’re pretty cool items for storing guns covertly and have quick accessibility.

The most important part of being a concealed carrier is self-protection. Don’t let it be a 9-5 job, because your life and the lives of your loved ones is a 24-hour a day responsibility. Even at night.

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