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Armed Citizen Stabbed In Neck And Head By Teen, Then Shot At Suspect. The Rest Of The Story Will Piss You Off.

SALISBURY, NORTH CAROLINA — A gun owner confronted a teenager attempting to break into his car outside his apartment. The teenager turned around and stabbed the man repeatedly in the neck, head, and back before the gun owner drew his handgun and shot at the teenager.

According to the Charlotte Observer, Tyler Aaimer Spencer Nichols, 17, turned himself in and was charged with assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill inflicting serious injury, four counts of breaking and entering of a motor vehicle and three counts of larceny.

That teen was held on $25,000 bail. That’s the criminal equivalent of a slap on the wrist, and that’s the “piss you off” part. For such a crime, a higher bail amount would seem reasonable. No?

Thankfully, the victim was able to get treatment and was released from the hospital.

This is a case of a gun owner trying to do the right thing and stop a teenager from breaking into his property. Unfortunately, he was dealing with a violent thug that wouldn’t hesitate to stab a stranger in the neck. This thug will be a welcome addition to a juvenile correction facility, no doubt.

As for the man, he nearly lost his life. This could have ended much worse considering the extent of injuries he sustained.

A defensive mindset is needed at all times. Never assume just because the person doing the crime is a minor that he will be less prone to using violence. If anything, he may feel he has more to prove.

If you’re not comfortable defending yourself with a gun, you need to hold back and wait for police. It’s okay. In fact, in a lot of cases, it’s probably best for the gun owner to stay back and let police handle it. Rushing into that sort of situation will inevitably put you at greater risk. And it’s with that risk you may be forced to defend yourself against someone who has no compunction about taking your life.

A defensive mindset. Every gun owner needs to have it. Protect yourself, protect your family, don’t put yourself into a risky situation you don’t need to be in.

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