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Another Bad Guy Learns The Hard Way After Being Shot In The Neck By The Person He Was Trying To Rob

KANAWHA COUNTY, WEST VIRGINIA — A homeowner critically shot a burglar in the neck after the burglar attempted a broad daylight home invasion on his property. The burglar’s condition and status is not immediately available but the extent of his injuries would predicate some serious medical attention.

According to WOWK Tri-state News 13, the burglar broke in around 4 p.m. The homeowner was home at the time and able to retrieve his gun. The burglar was shot in the neck and immediately retreated from the scene.

By the time Kanawha County Sheriff’s Office responded, the suspect had already fled the residence and retreated to a nearby building where it is believed he was taken into custody.

When seconds matter, having a gun nearby can be the difference between being a victim and survival. This homeowner was able to defend himself because he was armed with a gun. That makes things a lot easier rather than having to fight a burglar with some improvised tool.

In general, we tend to advocate for evade, barricade, arm, communicate, respond. This can take the form of retreating to a safe room and using a gun to cover a single doorway. However, if you’re stuck out in the open when a burglary occurs, your best bet is to have a gun already on you. There’s only way to guarantee that: carry a gun in the house.

It doesn’t take much to put a handgun into a holster and wear it around the house. Not only does this mean you can respond in a fraction of the time it would take you to retrieve the gun, it means that the gun is under your positive control the entire time.

That is so critical.

Positive control over a firearm is the best way to ensure it’s ready when you need it — and it’s not accessible by someone else.

A criminal wouldn’t think twice about using your own gun against you. Don’t think twice about whether or not you want that gun attached to your hip at all times.

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