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Jewelry Store Hit By Four Armed Robbers — Robbers Didn’t Count On Deadly Return Fire

CONROE, TEXAS — Four armed robbers dressed in black opened fire inside a jewelry store in Conroe, Texas. Customers and employees scattered for cover while robbers attempted to take by force people’s purses, valuables, and store-owned jewelry. That’s when the store owner decided he had to move fast. Retrieving an AK-47 variant rifle, he returned fire on the robbers. Customers recount hearing a lot of gunfire. When the smoke cleared, one robber lay dead and the remaining three were on the run. No one else was hurt or injured.

According to the Chronicle, a manhunt was underway for the remaining three robbers. Their getaway vehicle was located and a DEA helicopter even arrived on scene to assist in the pursuit. No further information on the result of that manhunt.

As for those inside the store, the owner recalls the first attempted armed robbery when the store was scheduled to open in November of 2014. The owner recalled the moment when five armed robbers arrived in a plumbing truck and decided to try out how GTA works in real life.

“We weren’t even open yet,” the owner stated in a previous Conroe Courier report on the robbery. “We were still putting the jewelry out … (An employee) grabbed our shotgun. The robbers saw he had it, and ran out, saying, ‘They’ve got guns. Let’s get out of here.’”

Obviously either those armed robbers didn’t tell these ones that they were walking into a gun-friendly business or these current robbers figured fear, intimidation, and overwhelming force were good enough to win the day.

They were wrong. And one of them will never have the chance to repeat the same mistake. As for the remaining three, if they managed to flee with their lives, they now have to look forward to Texas law enforcement hunting them down.

That’s a lot of struggle to lose out, but that’s the type of light deck criminals are playing with. In their mind, getting shot and killed in an armed robbery is just a hazard of the occupation. In the store owner’s mind, he has customers, employees, and inventory to protect.

If criminals don’t fear the return use of deadly force, they will have nothing stopping them from taking anything they want and hurting anyone who comes between them and that. That’s why we stay armed, everyday, everywhere we go. Because it’s not just our lives on the line — it’s everyone beside us as well.

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