
NYPD Tells Off-Duty Officers They Can’t Carry At Pope Events

By Robert Farago via TheTruthAboutGuns.com

“Off-duty cops who plan to see the pope during his tour of the Big Apple ​are being warned to leave their guns at home — or face being ​sent away and ​reprimanded by NYPD brass,” nypost.com reports. “‘All members of the service who plan to attend a papal event while off-duty are hereby advised that firearms will not be permitted’ read a message sent to police officers on Wednesday.” Wouldn’t you know it? The po-po are p.o.ed. “How dare they disarm us!” cry the Only Ones ™. Check it out . . .

Despite ​heightened concerns about an assassination ​​attempt​ or act of terror​, off-duty cops will ultimately have to abide by the very same rules that civilians are asked to — a move that is not sitting well with members of the force.

“This is our city and we should be able to carry,” a police source said, describing the policy as “very offensive.”

“God forbid something happens,” he explained. “You’re going against the patrol guide which says you’re required to be armed at all times while in New York City. ​If​ something bad happens and you’re not armed, you’re not able to protect yourself, your family, friends and the public. You have the leader of the biggest religion in the world and the potential for violence is there. I’d like to be able to protect myself if something, God forbid, does happen.”

“I’m not sure that quote wasn’t made up,” a media source tells TTAG. But it’s wonderful to see the Post– the anti-gun New York Post! – publish an argument for armed self-defense. Not one argument. Two!

Another source added, “​I​​n cases like this, it’s always better to have your gun and not need it, than to not have your gun and need it. Obviously, in the case of the pope, we’re all worried about an assassination attempt.

​”​It would be better to have a professional NYPD cop with his sidearm because that adds another layer of security for the pope. We want to protect him in every shape or form. If a cop is walking to one of the vents and sees something and needs to engage with his weapon, you’re going to want that gun on you.”

Let me see if I’ve got this straight. If a law-abiding civilian (a group that includes police officers) carries a firearm he or she may be able to use it defend innocent life? A law-abiding civilian carrying a gun is a good thing? Who knew! Certainly not the Powers-That-Be in the City That Never Sleeps, bodyguarded burghers who created and enforce a de facto ban on concealed carry for anyone who isn’t politically connect or a law enforcement officer (LEO).

Sarcasm aside, the next bit makes my blood boil.

Ed Mullins, president of the Sergeants Benevolent Association, also blasted the no-gun protocol — calling it “insulting to all members of the NYPD.”

“This makes no sense,” he said. “The NYPD has stated the Papal Detail is a high-risk security event and then prohibits the very same members of the NYPD from carrying their department-issued firearms off duty while attending a papal event with their families. I guess someone forgot law enforcement members are being targeted and killed across the nation.”

I guess someone forgot that armed non-LEO civilians protect police officers – just like off-duty police officers could protect the Pope. Myopia and hypocrisy make perfect bedfellows. It just goes to show: if you’re not part of the solution you’re part of the problem. I’m looking at you NYPD blue.

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