To The Guy In Front Of Me At The Grocery Store: Stop Fingering Your Gun, Especially In Public

In the land of just an estimated 15,000 concealed carry permits, it’s not easy to find a fellow concealed carrier in New York.

Unless they’re playing with their gun like crazy in line at the grocery store.

Wearing shorts, a white t-shirt and flip flops, this guy’s #1 concern was whether his firearm was showing or not. He literally could not stop messing with it.

His hands went up on his hips, then he slowly moves his right hand over his firearm and holster, ‘fingering’ around to make sure it’s still there and to make sure it’s not showing.

Even if I didn’t know what he was doing, I’d sure be interested in what he was doing.

Dude Needs A Mirror

This guy needs to give himself a good look in the mirror once he’s ready to go out. Move around, buddy. Does your firearm get exposed during normal movements? If so, it’s time for a wardrobe re-think. Or maybe a smaller gun.

The reason I’m giving this guy such a hard time is this: while it’s not the end of the world if we’re caught fidgeting with our firearm once in a while out in public, there’s a limit. If you’re paying that much attention to your firearm because you think something is wrong with it, you should probably get to a bathroom or other non-public place that will allow you to check things out.

After all, we carry concealed and for most of us, we do so because we don’t want people knowing that we are carrying a firearm.

Stop touching it, man. If you have a proper holster and belt, it’s not going anywhere.

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