
Reader: Last Minute Decision To Carry Gun Paid Off

A reader sent us his recent story, along with the above photo to remind us of the importance of always maintaining control over our firearms.

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So a good friend of mine takes me out for sushi tonight for my birthday. As we pulled into the parking lot (in two separate vehicles) I consider if I should pull my weapon out of the backpack I have it in or if I should just not worry about it since I’m just there to eat. Last moment I decided that I shouldn’t leave it in my vehicle this time, so I holster up. Sushi was great. I came out and said goodbye to my friend. As I walked up to my vehicle I notice my rear DS window has been busted open and the bag that had just stored my weapon was gone. Thanks to my last minute decision to not leave my firearm in the vehicle, the bad guys only got away with the backpack, the hard case for my glock and my two extra magazines. I will NEVER leave my firearm in my vehicle again. And if I have no choice, it will be in a much more secure manner. Good news, my weapon isn’t in the hands of criminals. Bad news, it’s gonna cost more to fix the damn window then then value of what they stole…

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Call it a lucky day and a wise decision on this firearm owner’s part. Had he left the firearm in his vehicle for convenience sake, it’d be one more criminal with illegal possession.

What this reader did is responsible firearm ownership. No matter where they are, our firearms need to be under control. Whether secured in a holster on our person or locked in a strategically-placed safe at home, they are our responsibility at the end of the day.

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