
[BREAKING] At Least 3 Dead, 7 Injured In Shooting At Theater In Lafayette Louisiana

Update: At least 3 people are dead and 7 injured during the shooting. The gunman is said to be among the dead.

The gunman was described as a man in his 50’s. The shooting happened around 7:30 pm this evening and was confined to one theater.

“We heard a loud pop we thought was a firecracker,” witness Katie Domingue told the Daily Advertiser, according to the AP. She said a man shot down into the theater. “He wasn’t saying anything. I didn’t hear anybody screaming either,” Domingue said, according to the AP.

LAFAYETTE, LOUISIANA — A shooting at the Grand Theater on Johnston Street in Lafayette is being reported by ABC News this evening.

As of right now, sources say that there appeared to be one shooter and also said there were multiple victims.

The Lafayette General Medical Center said that three people were brought to the hospital after being injured in the shooting.

From the Lafayette PD Twitter Page:

ScreenHunter_119 Jul. 23 22.19

The theater also has a ‘no firearms’ policy, according to their website:

ScreenHunter_119 Jul. 23 23.10

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