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Better To Just Walk Away? The Case Of The Good Samaritan Goes Out The Window

SPOKANE, WASHINGTON — Earlier in the week, we covered a story about a ‘Good Samaritan’ breaking up a domestic assault on a woman only to wind up killing the man in self-defense.  The ‘Good Samaritan’ in this case is now known to be Edward Bushnell, a veteran of the Iraqi War.  And the case for him to prove it was self-defense has begun.

As more details emerge, apparently Bushnell was taken into custody following the conflict because it turns out he fired those fatal shots into William Poindexter, 45, after the fight was over.

According to KXLY-4, Bushnell saw Poindexter assaulting his girlfriend on the sidewalk and told him to stop.  A physical confrontation took place and Poindexter used a wooden bat – which was recovered at the scene – to deliver blows to Bushnell’s head.  Poindexter then retreated three steps and took his girlfriend with him.  It was then that prosecutors allege Bushnell retrieved a handgun from his backpack and discharged three rounds at Poindexter – two of three striking him in the back.

via KXLY-4

“The defendant retrieved a handgun from a backpack, made the decision to go after Poindexter, who had walked a short distance away, and fired three shots at Poindexter. Two of the rounds struck Poindexter in the back,” Wohl said.

Despite Bushnell’s good intentions, police say pursuing Poindexter with a gun after their fight was over, was an unnecessary use of force.

“Where it went south was, after the confrontation happened, he had a telephone with him,” [Lieutenant Steve] Wohl said. “We would urge people to call police, get us coming to take over that piece, so these type of events don’t happen where someone is assaulted or, further somebody is killed.”

This is where the story really unravels.  If true, Bushnell used lethal force not in self-defense, but anger.  He is currently being charged with second degree murder.

The police were very clear that they were perfectly fine with him stopping the assault.  It was only when he decided to use lethal force to – what the prosecutor will be alleging – revenge versus self-defense, that we see the state may indeed have a justifiable case.

Bushnell has no recent or previous violent criminal convictions.  According to the Spokane Review, Poindexter has a long history of domestic abuse and violence.  Just as recently as March, Poindexter was charged with domestic abuse.

Even though many would argue that the world is a better place with Poindexter six feet under, Bushnell may have very well put himself in the wrong by doing what he did.  Hopefully, a jury of his peers will determine the validity to those accusations.

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