Concealed Carry Law And Reciprocity Changes From

By Dan Zimmerman. Republished with permission from

Gary Slider of writes:

Texas will now honor Ohio permits issued or renewed on or after 3/23/15. Wisconsin honors Ohio in the same way. Both Wisconsin and Texas require a NICS check for them to honor another state’s permits and Ohio just went to the NICS check with their new law on 3/23/15. That is why Wisconsin and Texas will only honor the Ohio permit issued or renewed on or after that date. You can see the Texas agreement here and Wisconsin information is here. As for Tennessee, I made an error in the date the new Tennessee Parking Lot Storage Law goes into effect. It is July 1 and not the May date I originally posted. See the bill here . . .

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Arkansas: Their law takes effect July 22, 2015.  Polling places are no longer off limits to carry by law. Those with a valid permit/license from any state can keep their concealed firearm on their person while dropping off or picking up children at a school and can leave their firearm in their locked motor vehicle while on school property.  You can see the bill here.

Oklahoma: Effective November 1, 2015 Oklahoma will preempt all knife laws in the state. No local authority can have any knife laws stricter than state law. Switchblades will also be legal. Kniferights.orgis the main group behind pushing knife preemption laws in the different states. You can follow their progress at their website. You can view the Oklahoma House Bill 1460 Preemption here.

Tennessee: Effective July 1, 2015 Tennessee residents will be able to apply for a lifetime permit. Application is the same as a regular permit and the cost is $500. believes this lifetime license will cause a few states to stop honoring the Tennessee permit. Time will tell, but it has happened to other states that went to lifetime permits. Lifetime Permit Bill.

Ohio: The Ohio attorney general has updated his reciprocity page stating that Ohio now honors all other states’ permit/licenses to carry. With the addition of Texas, the only other state at this time that Ohio can obtain reciprocity with is the state of Maine. AG’s website.

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