
[BEGINNERS GUIDE] Three Ways To Lose A Gunfight

By Robert Farago. Republished with permission from TheTruthAboutGuns.com

More Americans buy guns for self-defense than any other reason. And why not? A firearm is an excellent tool for defending life and limb. Estimates of successful defensive gun uses vary wildly, but even the lowest number is astounding (around 70k per year). If youโ€™re new to guns and you bought a gun for self-defense, good for you! Good for your friends, family and other innocent life. I know the decision can be frightening. What if I shootย the wrong person? What if I lose? Practicing drawing and firing your firearmย will ease if not eliminate the first concern. As for the second, keepย one important fact in mindย . . .

Youย can do everything right in a gunfight and still lose. There are too many variables toย guarantee a successfulย outcome: number of attackers, time and place of the attack, your mental and physical state, the distance between yourself and your attacker(s), etc. Sad to say, attackers haveย the โ€œfirst moverโ€ advantage; action beats reaction.

To increase your odds of survival, adopt the correct mindset.ย I will do whatever it takes to survive. I will use speed, surprise and violence of action. I will go all-in as early as Iย canย and continue fighting until I canโ€™t fight anymore. Regardless of my gun.

That said, there are (at least) three basic ways to fail in a gunfight. Give these a missย and your chances of prevailing rise dramatically.

1. Pick the wrong fight

By โ€œthe wrong fightโ€ I mean any fight. Iโ€™m hardly the first to say it, but say it I must: the only gunfight youโ€™re guaranteed to win is the one you donโ€™t have. Do everything you can to avoid a violent confrontation. Avoid stupid people in stupid places doing stupid things. If two of the three criteria are extant leave as soon as possible. If all three are present, leave even sooner.

You might find yourself in a potentially violent confrontation regardless of preventative measures. (My daughter recently announcedย โ€œthat stupid people list describes school perfectly.โ€) Whenever possible, de-escalate the situation. If itโ€™s a beef of some sort โ€“ whether thatโ€™s simmering road rage or a full-on racist rant โ€“ climb down. Be the bigger person. The safer person. As Lord Humongous said, just walk away. If you can.

Lord Humongousโ€™ entreaties unsuccessful. You might not be able to walk or even run away form a violent confrontation. You might be ambushed. Even then, look to escape or avoid your attacker(s). Stand your ground laws protect you from having to retreat/escape (check your stateโ€™s laws), but retreating/escaping is a lot better than fighting. By the same token, just like the cops, you are not legally obliged to defend anyoneโ€™s life.

Bottom line: think of yourย gun is your last resort.ย Donโ€™t get me wrong. You can find yourself needing your โ€œlast resortโ€ in a heartbeat. But if thereโ€™s an alternative to a gunfight, take it. The paperwork, hassle and cost alone are crushing. Just sayinโ€™ . . .

2. Fail to draw your gun in time

I know what youโ€™re thinking: first you tell me to avoid a gunfight and now youโ€™re telling me to get my gun out as fast as I can? Yup. Once itโ€™s on, itโ€™s on. Generally speaking, the first person to land shots on target wins a gunfight. If you can bring your gun to bear on your armed attacker(s) before they bring their gun(s) to bear on you, you stand an excellent chance of walking away.

Well running, actually. As Iโ€™ve pointed out before, you need to move then shoot. A moving target is harder to shoot than a stationary one. A target behind cover (an object that stops bullets) or concealment (the bad guys canโ€™t see you) is harder to shoot than a stationary target (thatโ€™s you). So, unlike the gunslingers above, you need to move, draw your gun and shoot.

[Note: this post assumes weโ€™re talking about a handgunย you carry. Long gun self-defense is a whole โ€˜nother kettle of fish.]

To make that happen you needย a carry system โ€“ clothing, gun and holster โ€“ that allows you to draw your gun quickly and efficiently. There is no One Carry System to Rule Them All. For some owners, the best system is an outside-the-waistband holster covered by a T-shirt. For some, itโ€™s an inside-the-waistband holster. For others itโ€™s pocket carry. Open carryโ€™s a thing, too. The right system depends on your clothing, the size of gun you carry andย your personal preference.

The only way to ascertain what carry system suits you:ย trial and error. Click here forย Three Tips for Buying Your First Handgun. Suffice it to say, your ability to draw your gun in an emergency is more important than the type or caliber (bullet size) of handgun you carry. And youโ€™re not limited to one carry system.

Another key point: practice your draw as often as possible. Unload your gun, safety check it (make sure itโ€™s unloaded), place the ammo well away from your gun, safety check the gun again, then practice moving and drawing. The more you do this, the better. Also, donโ€™t begin practice by trying to move and draw as fast as possible. Be smooth and efficient first. Then increase your speed.

3. Assume the bad guy will stop when theyโ€™re shot

Forget TV and movie gunfights. Even if you shoot your attacker(s) straight through the heart, they will not die immediately. They may not even slow down. They may keep attacking, kill you and then die (itโ€™s happened). Simply put: keep shooting and moving until you stop the threat. Or threatsย . . .

Incapacitating one attacker may be a powerfulย disincentive forย his or her criminal colleagues. Or it couldย enrage and inspire them to begin or redouble their efforts to incapacitate you. Perhaps permanently. These other attackersย may also continue to fight after theyโ€™re shot.

If there are multiple attackers, itโ€™s boarding house rules: everyone gets firsts before anyone gets seconds. But donโ€™t get hung-up on tactics.ย Just donโ€™t expect the confrontation to end. Make it end. Either stop the threat with ballistic intervention or leaveย the scene of the crime for safety. Or both.

As Lenny Kravitzย reminded us, it ainโ€™t over โ€™til itโ€™s over.

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