
20 Tips For Newbies Who Carry Concealed (Or Plan To Carry In The Future)

We were all n00bs at one point, and it’s nothing to be ashamed of. The fact that you’re actively seeking out information on concealed carry says a lot about the way you’re approaching it. So many people dive in head-first without going through the proper training, and without doing the proper research.

Tip #01: Don’t Rush The Setup

If you haven’t already, you’ll need to start the task of finding the perfect concealed carry firearm and holster for you. This usually isn’t a one-shot deal, as it takes time to really figure out what works for you — and what doesn’t. Don’t rush this process, because it’s important to be carrying a firearm and holster that you’re comfortable with.

Tip #02: Make Practicing Your New Second Job

Aside from range time (which is very important), opportunities are everywhere for you to practice different techniques and gain the skills you’ll need if you ever need to draw your firearm. For example, each morning after I put on my holster, I will then holster my unloaded Glock 27 and practice drawing a few times. If you do this consistently, you will get a feel for drawing in different attire, as well as conditioning your muscle memory.

Tip #03: Your Friends Don’t Need To Know

This is all personal preference, but generally the less people who know you carry, the better. After all, we carry concealed for a reason. Try not to broadcast this.

Tip #04: It’s OK To Ask Questions

I’ll admit, I felt pretty dumb asking some questions when I first started out. It was like, “Man, I know this is such a n00b question, but dang it I don’t know the answer.” Instead of guessing, ask someone that will know the correct answer. Whether it’s at the gun shop or your friend who shoots, don’t be afraid to ask. No question is stupid. It’s the way we learn.

Tip #05: Learn Your Firearm

This cannot be stressed enough. Using your firearm often at the range is crucial, as well as really learning how it operates. What about malfunctions? You can ‘stage’ different malfunctions to practice clearing them. If you do this, start by practicing with snap caps instead of live ammunition at first. The next best step after snap caps is to get hooked up with some…

Tip #06: Training Courses

If a course relating to concealed carry, self-defense, or similar is offered in your area, go to it. In fact, go to as many as you are able to. It’s more practice, and you can never have enough. See what’s available in your area and commit!

Tip #07: Get Familiar With Your Surroundings

We should always be aware of what is happening around us, but carrying a firearm usually makes us pay more attention to things that we may not have noticed otherwise. When you’re out and about, scan the areas around you and pay close attention to everything that you can. Put your head on a swivel. Keep it moving. If someone is coming up along side of you, you won’t ever see them coming if you’re looking forward or staring down at your phone.

Tip #08: Never Leave Home Without It

We carry for a reason, and that reason is that we want to be prepared if we are ever faced with danger. Unless you have a crystal ball or time machine, you won’t know if or when that danger will find you. You don’t want to be in a situation where you’re saying to yourself “Man, I wish I had my firearm with me.” Carry as much as you can, and as often as you can.

Tip #09: If You Think Everyone Knows You’re Carrying, They Don’t

The #1 issue that people seem to have when they first carry is the thought that everyone around them will somehow find out that they are in fact carrying. But, if you’re using a proper setup that conceals well, no one will ever know. Which leads me to the next tip…

Tip #10: Don’t Draw Attention To Yourself

Just watch this video. Try not to do that stuff.

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