PEW Poll: More Say Guns Do More to Protect Than Put People at Risk

Pew Research Center has released the results of it’s recent survey that asked people how they feel about gun rights and gun control. For the first time in over two decades, the people of this country are showing more support for preserving gun rights instead of furthering gun control.

Two Years After Newtown, A Shift in Favor of Gun Rights

Another positive result shows a 9% change in people’s attitude toward firearms protecting them from becoming victims of crime. In December of 2012, that number was at 48%, while the new poll this year shows an increase to 57%.

Broad Increase in Support for Gun Rights

It’s a long-awaited change that is seeing steady growth in favor of gun rights. Where it will lead is uncertain, but we’re moving in the right direction.

To see the entire survey results, click here.

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