Open Carry Of Handguns May Be Coming To Texas; HuffPost Needs To Work On It’s Editing, And The Guardian Is On Crack

While I find it insane that the state of Texas is one of only just a handful in the country to ban open carry of handguns, it may finally be on the way next year.

“If open carry is good enough for Massachusetts, it’s good enough for the state of Texas,” Governor Greg Abbott said the day after his election, last month.

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It’s likely that the now-Republican-led state legislature will be more inclined to pass such a law, especially when it’s coupled with a Governor such as Abbott.

But that’s not really what this article is about. What I’m really here to do is poke fun at two media heavyweights and their sub-par reporting.

First, HuffPost. In the screenshot below, we see the poster attaching a comment to the link that says “Texas is actually one of the few states in America where you can’t carry a concealed weapon in public.” While this is a minor detail, they still haven’t fixed it after, as of this post, being live for 16 hours. It’s a matter of checking your work, especially with a topic as hot as firearms.

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Next, we move onto The Guardian, who has a rather bizarre article on this very same topic. Not only do they prominently display a photo of a boy holding a rifle (remember, we’re talking about open carry of handguns here), they also call that rifle an evil “assault weapon” in the caption. Not to mention their article title says “…ban on open carry of firearms” when, again, we’re only talking about handguns.

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Sorry. This is now strictly a rant.

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