Two Women Tried To Burglarize The Wrong Home

And for some reason, this story is now ‘trending’ on Facebook. It could be the fact that the two suspects were women, which is a rare occurrence, or maybe it’s because Facebook is beginning to applaud people for defending themselves. It’s probably the first reason.

ScreenHunter_94 Oct. 30 01.49

Anyway, the two women were attempting to break into a Houston home in the middle of the afternoon. The homeowner called police to say that two people were outside throwing rocks at his front windows to try and break them. When they finally broke a window next to the front door, one of them reached inside to unlock and open the door.

They picked the wrong house though, because the homeowner’s response was with his shotgun. Shots were fired and both of the suspects were hit.

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One of the suspects collapsed inside the home while the other made it all the way across the street into a neighbors yard, where she ultimately collapsed as well.

Both were airlifted to hospitals and are listed in critical condition.

The Lieutenant speaking of the incident made the following note about the area and the suspects. It serves as an important reminder that crime can happen anywhere, and the suspects can be anyone.

“That is very unusual,” to have two female suspects, Stensland said. “This is an awesome neighborhood, it’s usually pretty quiet.”

Never let your guard down.

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