
[VIDEO] NRA Calls Out Bloomberg In Latest Ad Spot

[Press Release] Fairfax, Va. – The National Rifle Association today launched a national campaign aimed at exposing Michael Bloomberg’s anti-freedom agenda. The “Meet the Real Michael Bloomberg” campaign kicks off with a national television advertisement titled “Insult”.  “Insult” is the first in a series of ads that will expose Bloomberg’s hypocrisy, arrogance and desire to tell the American people how to live their lives.

“Michael Bloomberg has declared war on the NRA and our five million members. We will not sit back and let him use his billions of dollars to impose his radical anti-freedom agenda on the American people. Our effort will expose Bloomberg as an arrogant hypocrite who thinks he knows best how people should live their lives,” said Chris W. Cox, Executive Director of the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action.

“Insult”, which highlights Bloomberg’s disdain for those who reject his nanny state policies, debuts with an initial six-figure ad buy on cable television nationwide and on broadcast stations in Colorado.  This will accompany a six-figure digital and social media campaign in Iowa, Colorado, Louisiana, Nevada, Kentucky, North Carolina and Georgia. The campaign will expand to additional states in the coming weeks and months.

The launch of the “Meet the Real Michael Bloomberg” campaign comes on the heels of the voters’ rebuke of Bloomberg and his anti-gun agenda in the Milwaukee County Sheriff’s election last week, following his embarrassing losses in the historic Colorado recall elections last year.

Bloomberg continues to try and buy the hearts and minds of the American people – an effort in which he has failed time and again.

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