A great thing happened with a gun in Chicago over the holiday weekend

We reported the other day that the city of Chicago saw a lot of gun violence over the 4th of July weekend. A police spokesperson blamed lax gun laws while we blamed gangs.

What you might not have heard was the incident dealing with a legal gun owner who shot and injured a man who started firing at a group of people leaving a party.

One of the victims had noticed a cup of liquor on top of her vehicle and asked attendees of a party next door who it belonged to, Hain said.

When she removed it, Denzel A. Mickiel approached her, shouting obscenities and threatening her and her friends, according to Hain and court records.

Mickiel, 22, went into the residence, returned with a gun and began firing at the group, she said.

At this point, a member of the ‘victim’ party (and also an active military member) retrieved his firearm and took cover behind the vehicle. At the appropriate time, he fired twice at Mickiel and struck him both times.

**slow clap**

Folks on the other side: This is what we need to curb gun violence in Chicago and across America. The bad guy doesn’t want a fight.

Mickiel was taken to the hospital in critical condition and remains there. If he survives, he’ll be facing attempted murder charges and has been ordered held on $950,000 bail.

[H/T Chicago Tribune]

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