Idaho couple wakes up to find naked man walking into their bedroom after he flooded their kitchen and pooped on their floor, husband chases him off with gun

Wow, that’s a heading that I never thought I’d have to write. But alas, here it is after someone shows us just how fun reality can be.

A couple that just recently moved into their new home was awoken this past weekend at 6:30am to a stranger in their home. When they first saw him, he was making his way into their bedroom…naked. Before this, he was in their kitchen turning on the faucet and letting the water run full throttle. Then, he decided that defecating on their floor would be a fun thing to do. As if that weren’t enough, he must have been playing in his feces because it could be found all over the walls and other parts of the home.

The intruder, who police say was 25-year-old Matthew Coomes, had been drinking. After surprising the couple, they say he ran into another bedroom to put his shorts on.

“My husband grabs the gun because we have no idea who this guy is,” said Tricia. “He’s like, ‘Get out of my house, now!’ But the guy wouldn’t leave. So, he puts the gun to his head, and says, ‘I said, get out!’”

After a while, the police get there and find the man outside the home and still on their property. The homeowners were rather annoyed because the drunk and naked Mr. Coomes was not arrested. Rather, he was cited with two misdemeanors and taken home to sober up.

In all reality, he’s lucky that he was able to go home. In many homes across the world, if you enter someones home uninvited, you may be leaving a little colder than you entered.

(H/T 7 KTVB)

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