Ruger American New Shooter Academy Season 2: Episode 8

In the final episode, Kyle goes over each family member’s takeaway and learning points from their day at the range.

Brett: really focused on grip mechanics to help with accuracy, as well as sight alignment.

Nick: enjoyed learning how to shoot the 9mm caliber and felt he really improved his stand and foot placement.

Taylor: felt she learned how to relax, which helped her ease into the new skills that come with shooting a pistol as opposed to a shotgun.

Justice: was definitely able to transfer her existing skill set to shooting the rifle & carbine, but realized that she really needed to slow down and be more methodical in order to be accurate.

Outside of all the technical learnings, the family discovered that training at the range is a great way to spend time and have some fun together!

About the Series:

Host Kyle Harth, Firearms Instructor, US Army Special Forces, provides firearms training to a family of new shooters. These individuals will receive specialized training to develop their shooting skills with Ruger firearms, while having fun, safely, together as a family.

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