• Armed Robber Finds Out The Hard Way That One Of His Targets Is Also Armed

    Good people with guns have been creating problems for bad people since the beginning. When a story comes across my desk about an armed citizen defending themselves with their own gun against a bad guy, I get a warm fuzzy feeling every time. This one is no different, and shows an armed robber casually walking…

  • Sometimes In A Carjacking Attempt, Your Vehicle Is Your Best Tool

    Clear route? Get out. I can’t begin to guess how many carjacking stories we’ve covered over the years, and a lot of them have something in common; it’s likely that you’ll have a clear path out if you hit that gas pedal and wave goodbye to the carjacker(s). That isn’t always the case, of course,…

  • To Win A Gun Fight, Training With Your Non-Dominant Hand Can Save Your Life

    The officer in the footage below found himself in a gun fight against three occupants of a vehicle. He’s almost immediately shot in the hand –his dominant hand– and needs to act quickly in order to survive. He backs away and gets some shots off, but his abilities to shoot are limited by his pretty…

  • Purse Snatcher Snatches The Wrong Tourist’s Purse

    A purse is a prime target for some criminals, and making sure that it’s secure to your body is an important part of carrying your purse. In front is best, and remember to keep an eye out for anyone who looks suspicious or is trying to get too close to you. These vacationers were walking…

  • Gun Ownership Comes With Responsibility That Cannot Be Compromised

    Gun on desk, curious person picks it up. Curious person isn’t responsible (either), as is easily seen by the fact that he shot himself in the hand. Owner fails in responsibility as well, leaving the firearm in an easy to access location. It’s cringy to see videos like this because they are completely noob and…

  • Grandma Saves The Day With Her Shotgun

    Grandma means business. Grandma with a shotgun means double business. A pair of armed robbers learned quickly that this establishment was not one to be messed with. Not only did grandma come out and point her shotgun, her husband drew his pistol and shot the man, sending him to the ground in a hurry. The…

  • Loosely-Held Gun By Robber Offers Opportunity To Defend And Dominate

    Opportunity is all around us, including most cases of armed robbery and other bad situations that we may find ourselves in. These guys at a barbershop were minding their own business when a guy with a gun came in and announced a robbery. It was going well for the robber until one of the barbers…

  • Carjacking Turns Into Kidnapping As Mother Fights To Save Her Child

    If they’re after the car, kiss it goodbye and get a good description of the suspects. If someone is in the car, especially a child, all bets are off and any mother or father will fight and sustain injury to protect their child. That’s exactly what happened in the below incident, and the carjackers didn’t…

  • If Someone Aggressively Approaches Your Vehicle, By All Means Wait To Get Your Drive-Thru Order

    If you have a clear path away from someone who is telling at you from outside your car and damaging your property, you take that path. You hit the gas and wave goodbye, because no one has time for that kind of behavior. Unless you want to sit there and see how bad it could…