• [SAFE REVIEW] The Gunbox 2.0 Review

    I am the type of person that whenever I am at home, I’m wearing my favorite pair of sweatpants. Clearly, my at-home attire is not the most practical for carrying a gun, so I don’t typically carry at home. However, I still think it is extremely important to be prepared to defend myself and my…

  • [REVIEW] Extra Carry: Concealed Carry Magazine Pouch

    The topic of carrying extra magazines has come up a lot over the years on Concealed Nation, and we always recommend having some extra rounds ready to go in case you ever need them. With that, there is a market for accessories to keep your extra mag(s) secure and easily accessible. Today, we’re going to…

  • [BOOK REVIEW] Safety On: An Introduction to the World of Firearms for Children

    Folks, it’s important that our children knows about firearms. They’re a defensive tool that more and more people are trying to demonize, but we know better. Children need to know the “do’s” and “don’t’s” of firearm safety — and we need to show them a good example in the way we behave. And that’s exactly…

  • [REVIEW] Blue Alpha Gear Came Out With An SR Buckle 1.5″ EDC Belt And It’s Kinda A Big Deal

    Blue Alpha Gear is a pretty new company in the gun world, but their Side Release buckle everyday carry belt is making a big impact for gun owners. This is a company that’s just emerged onto the market and they’re already making waves with their holsters. One of the things we love about the firearms…

  • [PRODUCT REVIEW] Leatherman Signal Multi-tool For Everyday Carry

    I’ve admittedly never carried a multi-tool, instead opting for a pocket knife. That’s going to change, because I finally found a multi-tool that I can see myself using on a daily basis. The Leatherman Signal was introduced earlier this year by a company that we have all heard of. They’ve been making quality products since…

  • [REVIEW] Blue Alpha Gear’s EDC Belt Features A Hybrid Cobra Buckle — Where Has This Been My Whole Life?!

    When Blue Alpha Gear, one of the newest gun belt and holster makers out there, started a Kickstarter campaign to design a new belt, they had our attention. Known for quality and amazing reviews by a growing customer base, we had to try out their new hybrid Cobra buckle for their EDC belt. Turns out,…

  • [REVIEW] Alien Gear Cloak Dock Holster Mount For Nearly Any Surface

    We’re mobile, so why shouldn’t we have a modular system for our firearms that we carry each day? Helping with a solution is Alien Gear with their Cloak Dock Holster Mount, allowing you to grab-and-go on the fly. Introduced not too long ago, Alien Gear’s Cloak Mod OWB paddle holster fits this new mount perfectly……

  • [REVIEW] Etymotic Gunsport Pro Hearing Protection Earplugs

    “WHAT?!” “HUH?!” The two most common things said whenever I’m at the gun range talking to anyone around me. I keep telling myself it’s just practice for when I get really old and my hearing degrades but the truth is, I need to conserve my hearing now. Hearing is one of those senses that once…

  • [PRODUCT REVIEW] ProSounds H2P Hearing Protection For Shooting

    Hearing protection is a must-have when we’re out on the range, and it’s important to be mindful when choosing the right kind for you. With advancements in technology that are making this better and less expensive, we are seeing great things pop up for the shooting world and beyond. Enter: ProSounds H2P (See the Indidgogo…

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