• [OP-ED] Tenth Week In A Row, Gun Stores Up Here Are Packed! But There’s A Problem…

    HOOKSETT, NEW HAMPSHIRE — I started noticing it in the beginning of November.  I have no idea why, but the gun stores up here in New Hampshire were always completely packed.  My suspicions seemed to mirror recent reports showing that gun background checks are soaring and thus, imaginably, gun sales — though there’s an error…

  • 14-Year-Old Son Shot By Dad, Mistaken For Intruder: Know Your Target

    CINCINNATI, OHIO — A 14-year-old boy was shot and killed by his father after skipping school and attempting to break back into his home.  According to police reports, the boy’s father took him to the bus stop but the boy then evaded school and attempted to return home only to be mistaken for an intruder…

  • [CCW IN ACTION] Chicago Concealed Carrier Gets Run Over After Shooting Robber

    CHICAGO, ILLINOIS — Just another day in gangland paradise!  In Chicago’s infamous South State Street, a 57-year-old man had a gun held on him by a 20-year-old robber.  The older man managed to draw his concealed carry pistol and shoot the robber in the elbow.  The robber, in retaliation, got into his car and ran…

  • [VIDEO] Do You Practice For Close Range Attacks?

    In this video, we see somebody who definitely has close range response down for concealed carry.  It’s great to see stuff like this but if we’re perfectly honest — do we ever need to be at that level? In general, the first priority in concealed carry is simply doing it safely.  Safety is reinforced or…

  • Beginner’s Shooting Posture Versus Experienced — We All Look Awkward Starting Off, But What Have We Learned Since?

    At some point in our lives, we began shooting guns.  Maybe it was an aunt or uncle who took us out skeet shooting when we were kids.  Maybe it was a boyfriend or girlfriend that made that first excuse to the shooting range.  And in some cases, it’s the legitimate fear of being hurt or…

  • Taking A First-Time Shooter To The Range: Recommendations, Suggestions, And Most Importantly — GOOD ON YOU!

    This holiday season, there’s a high likelihood of seeing family and friends that we may not have seen in awhile otherwise.  As a concealed carrier, you’ll likely have at least one or two relatives who think guns are the root of all evil or are just afraid of them for no reason.  This is the…

  • Hope For CA: Church Members Train To Carry Concealed

    EL DORADO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA — Pastors, ministers, and church security personnel recently attended a free concealed carry firearms class put on by Geof Peabody in the foothills of El Dorado County, California.  As CBS News reports, Peabody offers regular classes for free for church-goers so they can be better prepared to receive their concealed carry…

  • Serial SWATting — Preparing For The Worst As A Concealed Carrier

    “SWATting” is a relatively new and nefarious phenomena where anonymous internet trolls gain access to sensitive records of “prey” and then forge up an excuse for a SWAT team to raid that person’s home.  When SWAT arrives, they absolutely believe whatever they’ve been told prior to arriving on your doorstep or place of work.  They…

  • Active Shooter At Planned Parenthood — Four Officers, Five People Wounded, Suspect In Custody

    COLORADO SPRINGS, COLORADO — At 12:31 PM CT, a police scanner reported that multiple officers were down in vicinity of the Planned Parenthood in Colorado Springs, Colorado.  The Colorado Springs Gazette reported that officers had been inside the medical offices of Planned Parenthood when an armed shooter came in and opened fire.  As of 1:43…

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