• Thief Strikes An Off-Duty NYPD Officer, Snatches Her Bag And Gun

    BRONX, NEW YORK — Becoming complacent in your environment means you’re lending your opponents the opportunity to take advantage of you.  No more particular could a case be than in the recent theft and assault of an off-duty police officer in New York City.  As the NY Daily News covers in this article, Nilda Quezada…

  • Petition Filed With White House To Allow Military To Carry Concealed

    As most of you already know, Thursday was an extremely tragic day for those in uniform.  Four United States Marines were brutally gunned down in a withering blaze of fire by an armed gunman who was free to move between both a recruitment center and a reserve naval center before finally being shot and killed…

  • Concealed Carrier Shoots Bulldog After It Attacks Family, Exonerated From Charges

    OCONTO, WISCONSIN — A concealed carrier who used his Glock 21 (.45 ACP) to defend his family from an unleashed American Bulldog will not be charged with any criminal conduct, confirms Allen Brey, the Marinette County District Attorney. According to the Green Bay Press Gazette, an American Bulldog lunged at the family as they were…

  • Why You Should Always Let Your Armed Friends Sleep Over – Friend Sleeping On Couch Shoots Intruder

    FAULKNER COUNTY, ARKANSAS — Authorities report they have apprehended a man and a woman who broke into a house early Tuesday morning.  The Faulkner County Sheriff’s Office reports that Stacy Wright, 38, took her accomplice to the emergency room with a gunshot to his abdomen.  This is believed to be in response to a botched…

  • Post Self-Defense Shooting: What Now?

    You’ve just used your firearm in self-defense.  Your attacker is down.  What do you do now? Most people think of a post self-defense encounter much like they would a motor vehicle accident.  You remain on the scene until police and paramedics arrive, give your side of the story, and exchange information with authorities. However, it’s…

  • 3 Fun Hobbies That Improve Concealed Carry

    Video Games – Really?  Yes. Visual acuity.  It’s underplayed.  The ability to see a thing and respond to it is vital.  It’s not necessary to play violent video games to develop this.  It’s simply important to play video games that involve your ability to track an object and respond. Just the simple act of playing…

  • Homeowner Uses Unloaded Shotgun To Thwart Home Invaders – Gets Shot

    SAN LEANDRO, CALIFORNIA — Authorities seem to be pretty certain that the home invasion of a 60 year old man was no coincidence.  What’s being called a “targeted invasion” by San Leandro Police Lt. Mike Sobek, police believe the victim came out to thwart the invaders with an unloaded shotgun.  According to FOX-2, there were…

  • Beer Pong Gone Wrong!  …When An Idiot Brings His Gun To The Party

    COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS — A drunk idiot decided to wave around his 9mm pistol to distract his opponent in a beer pong match.  His opponent, obviously not amused with having a gun waved around in his face, pushes the idiot.  This results in said idiot discharging two rounds because – you guessed it – his…

  • Ohio Teachers Training To Respond To Active Shooters – With Force

    Southeastern Ohio is just the latest are of schools sending teachers and faculty through an intense three day FASTER (Faculty/Administrator Safety Training & Emergency Response) course.  The course is designed to prepare teachers and faculty to respond to active shooters in their schools.  FOX 8 reported on a group of teachers going through the course…

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