• Is It Safe To Carry With A Round In The Chamber In 2024?

    One of the most debated topics among concealed carry and firearm enthusiasts is whether or not it’s safe to carry a firearm with a round in the chamber. This practice, often referred to as “condition 1” or “chambered carry,” has both staunch advocates and detractors. To address this question comprehensively, it’s crucial to consider several…

  • Sniper Rifle Falls Off Roof During St. Patrick’s Day Parade

    BUFFALO, NEW YORK — During Sunday’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Buffalo, a sniper rifle fell off the roof of a building at 560 Delaware Ave., near Allen Street. Buffalo Police Commissioner Joseph Gramaglia confirmed the incident, stating that the department is investigating to prevent such an event from happening again, according to WIVB 4.…

  • Avoiding Negligent Discharges While Carrying A Concealed Firearm

    As a concealed carrier, it’s crucial to prioritize safety above all else. One of the worst scenarios you could face is a negligent discharge – when a firearm unintentionally goes off. These incidents not only put you and others in harm’s way but can also damage your reputation and legal standing. To avoid such mishaps,…

  • What Is A Duty To Inform?

    What Is A Duty To Inform?

    In the world of concealed carry, a duty to inform is the legal obligation to inform an officer, deputy, etc. that an individual is carrying a concealed firearm when that individual comes into contact with a member of law enforcement. It can initially feel weird to have an interaction with law enforcement while carrying a…

  • Brevard County Deputy Shot And Killed Fellow Deputy By “Jokingly” Shooting Twice At Him

    BREVARD COUNTY, FLORIDA — A man shot and killed his best friend, comrade, and roommate via negligent discharge, according to FOX 35. Austin Walsh, 23, was reportedly killed by accident while the two were joking with one another. In the video shown below, Sheriff Wayne Ivey said that Deputy Andrew Lawson, who has been reportedly…

  • Teens On Instagram Live Video Leads To Tragedy

    Two young cousins, Paris (12) and Kuaron (14) Harvey, are dead after a tragic accident while livestreaming to Instagram.  The cousins were making a video from a bathroom in St. Louis on March 18th when the incident occurred.  The incident was originally reported in the media as a murder-suicide.  Police affirm that they are treating…

  • Parent Wounded After Dropping Concealed Carry Handgun In Elementary School Lobby

    ARLINGTON, TEXAS – A concealed carrier suffered a gunshot wound to the leg after his concealed handgun was dropped and then discharged Thursday – in the lobby of Duff Elementary School in Arlington, Texas. With emotions still high and everyone one edge after the tragedy at Robb Elementary School on Tuesday, the incident understandably caused…

  • Firearm Purchases in 2021 Remain Near Record Levels Set in 2020 – As Gun Owners, We Have an Important Responsibility

    The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) recently published the December 2021 numbers for the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NCIS), completing the statistics for the year. While there was a slight decline in the number of background checks as compared to the previous year, the total remained more than 10 million above any other…

  • Gun Store Owner Fatally Shoots Employee In ‘Prank’ Gone Wrong After Mistaking BB Gun For Real One

    BERKELEY COUNTY, SOUTH CAROLINA — A South Carolina gun store owner who fatally shot an employee on November 2nd is now facing charges.  On Friday, November 26th, authorities charged Jon Whitley, 52, with involuntary manslaughter.   According to authorities, Whitley, who owns Coastal Firearms, located at 1161 Cainhoy Rd. north of Charleston, admitted to the…

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