CCW In Action
SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA — A California homeowner opened fire on two intruders who had broken into his home, forcing them to make a hasty retreat, reports CNS. The homeowner, Kurt, was woken up by noise going on downstairs at approximately 3:45 in the morning. “At 3:45 I heard noises and rumbling downstairs and I sat up…
Concealed Carrier Stops Stabbing In The Street: A Perfect Example Of Responsible Concealed Carry
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AUSTIN, ARKANSAS — A passerby noticed a fight while heading home from work, and understanding the severity of what was happening, decided to intervene with his firearm. That move likely saved a life. Two brothers were fighting, but it was much more than a fist fight. One of the brothers, Chris Terry, began to stab the other, identified…
HOUSTON, TEXAS — When a pair of armed robbers tried to knock off a convenience store in Houston, Texas, the store clerk fought back, leaving one suspect dead and another fleeing the scene, reports KRTK. The two suspects walked into the convenience store and attempted to rob the place, but the clerk wasn’t having it.…
[VIDEO] Father and Son, Both Armed, Intervene during Armed Robbery of Couple, Accidentally Uncover Larger Plot
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TYLER, TEXAS — On Concealed Nation we love to talk about how, when, and where responsibly-armed citizens stop crimes and defend the innocent. It’s kinda what we do. Which is why it’s so awesome when folks doing what we love prevent even more crime than they intended to. In Tyler, Texas, a man was arrested…
LEE COUNTY, FLORIDA — A tense police chase one November morning lead to a deputy chasing down a suspect on foot. The suspect entered into a physical altercation with the deputy and beat him down in the middle of an on-ramp on the highway. Onlookers pulled over, took video, and idly watched as a law…
ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI — Although the call on when or when not to use your firearm in self defense can sometimes be difficult, sometimes it’s very straightforward — and this criminal learned the hard way that not all civilians are helpless. In St. Louis, Missouri, an attempted robber was shot and killed by an armed…
REDDING, CALIFORNIA — Redding investigators are treating the recent shooting death of a bicyclist as self-defense. A Redding district attorney may decide to change that initial treatment but when police arrived at the scene, the man who defended himself with a gun was never arrested or frisked. According to the Redding Record Searchlight, the man…
ROSEVILLE, MICHIGAN — A liquor store owner was behind the counter with his friend when two armed men with masks came in Thursday evening and announced a robbery. Although with masks and guns, they didn’t need to do anymore announcing. One of the armed thugs hops over the counter, but he doesn’t make it far…
Concealed Carrier Intervenes In Parking Lot Altercation Involving Knives And Baseball Bats — Lives Saved And No Shots Fired!
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TOPEKA, KANSAS — In the parking lot of a local Walmart, two men got into a physical altercation involving bats and knives. A concealed carrier saw the fight and broke it up by drawing his pistol and holding them at gunpoint until police could arrive. The two men are believed to have known one another…