• Personal Defense: Do You Know Where Your Line In The Sand Is, BEFORE You’re Forced To?

    By John Boch via TTAG With all the incidents of anarchy and unrest of late, there’s a chance that someday you or your loved ones could find yourselves on the dangerous end of a mob’s anger. With that in mind and while you can think calmly and without haste, consider what the threshold would be…

  • [BEGINNERS] 10 Mistakes People Make at a Gun Store – VIDEO

    I have been to many gun stores and have experienced poor habits by customers multiple times. Everything from falsely claiming a gun is unloaded to muzzle sweeping other people, I have seen it all. Ask any gun store worker what frustrates them the most and get ready for a long conversation. I understand that people…

  • State By State: Can I Legally Wear A Mask While Carrying A Concealed Firearm?

    UPDATED 7/11/2020 @ 4:39 P.M. EST If you are interested in learning more about firearm laws or get some top quality training (online or in-person) make sure to check out Legal Heat’s training courses that are available nationwide. Also, to stay up to date on these laws make sure to download the FREE Legal Heat…

  • Changing Your Carry Gun When Summer Approaches. Here’s What I Do And Why.

    It’s not for everyone, and some people live in a warm climate pretty much all year round. For many, however, they have a gun (or guns) that they designate for winter carry, and others they designate for the summer. First, let’s look at a recent poll that we did on our Facebook page: I’m a…

  • Let’s Talk About Looking Down While Holstering Your Firearm. Should You Do It?

    Recently, we created a poll on our Facebook page that asked the question; When you holster your firearm, do you look down while doing so? The results: That was a little surprising to us, as we thought the vast majority would say Yes. Anywho, we’re here today with a post from Pew Pew Tactical, and…

  • What Is The Best Handgun For Beginners?

    Out of the thousands of questions we’ve seen on Concealed Nation, this question is easily in the top five most asked. What is the best handgun for beginners? The number of new people coming into firearm ownership is increasing at an all-time pace. In fact, if current gun sales are any indication, we may have more…

  • 3 Concealed Carry Habits to Stay Out of Jail [VIDEO]

    Deciding to carry a gun involves many choices. Everything from the type of gun, caliber, holster, gun belt and where on the body to carry, needs to be considered. Understanding the state laws and receiving additional training is very important and highly encouraged. The list of priorities continues on but nothing takes the place of…

  • Beginners: 5 Rules For Pocket Carry

    Over the last few years, pocket carry has become an increasingly popular method for concealed carry. This is mostly due to firearm manufacturers making better micro and sub compact guns fit for pocket carry. However, the holster industry has done an equally great job in developing pocket holsters that make this form of carry one…

  • 4 Incredibly Important Tips For Concealed Carry Beginners

    Congrats! You’ve decided to make the choice to become a legally armed concealed carrier! I know, you want to go charging headfirst into this like a red-hot bullet. However, let’s hit the breaks for just a moment and go over some basic but very important staples to carrying concealed for the first time. This article…