Beginners Guides
It’s not as bad as this one, but it’s still bad. A concealed carrier found his bum feeling like it was on fire after torching one off while holstering his firearm. The holster was a hybrid holster, made with a flexible backing that can be manipulated while holstering. The blurry part in the middle of…
We have an updated, comprehensive article on what to do when you’re pulled over while carrying a firearm. Check it out here! The traffic stop while carrying concealed is a topic that we’ve covered extensively in the past, and it still brings questions from people who are new to concealed carry. There is a nervousness…
The armed citizen community and industry has taken more serious notice of emergency medicine in recent years and for good reason. As it relates to saving a life, any American adult is more likely to do so with good medical training and gear than a firearm and firearm training. The objective of today’s article is…
The surge in gun sales and the increase in first-time gun owners has led to a significant rise in the need for concealed carry insurance. Fortunately, there are several excellent concealed carry insurance options available that provide essential support during challenging times. Picking the best concealed carry insurance and legal protection are critical for responsible…
One of our Concealed Nation Extra group members, Zane, had an interesting post that we wanted to share outside of the group. It’s a quick post about his personal journey with concealed carry, realizing along the way that much better options were out there in the world of guns, holsters and other accessories. It’s important…
BEGINNERS: How To Safely Holster A Handgun
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Holstering a handgun is a simple task, right? Well, there is more to it than what meets the eye. Traditionally, we think, if the gun is holstered and nobody gets shot, it’s a successful task. But is it? As concealed carriers, we need to be assured that everything we practice and train for has the…
Let’s Talk Ankle Carry [VIDEO]
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I know several people who carry a handgun on their ankle. Some as a primary carry, others as a backup. They claim it’s the easiest method to carry a gun. When wearing long pants, ankle carry is considered the most concealable way to carry. But is it effective? Personally, I do not feel that ankle…
A little over a year ago, I received the Springfield Hellcat. It quickly became my new carry gun. At the same time, I was interested in giving appendix carry a shot again. I received an all-kydex holster from Vedder Holsters and was on my way. Over the months, it was comfortable but not perfect. I’m…
If you carry your firearm safely and correctly, you’ll ensure that you are Negligent Discharge-Proof. Something that gives all concealed carriers and firearms enthusiasts a bad name is a negligent discharge. Few things give the gun-grabbers as much ammunition – pardon the pun – as reports of people injuring themselves or others with a negligent shooting. People…