• [VIDEO] Diagnosing Trigger Control Problems While Shooting Your Handgun

    Range Time TS is a great YouTube channel with loads of excellent information for shooters new and seasoned. In this particular video, they go over ways for you to diagnose trigger control problems that you may be having with your handgun. Have you corrected trigger control problems in the past? What worked for you?

  • When Should You Re-Holster After A Self-Defense Shooting? Let’s Take A Look…

    Once your concealed carry firearm has left its holster, you’re committed.  Right or wrong, legal or not, it’s out and about in public where it shouldn’t normally be.  You may as well ensure that before you re-holster, the situation is safe to do so. How does one assess this?  Generally speaking, we’re going to go…

  • [BEGINNERS GUIDE] Prepare For Multiple Threats

    By Robert Farago via TheTruthAboutGuns.com Front Site is right: the average number of attackers in a gunfight is two. And handgun rounds aren’t the super-deadly one-shot killing machines you see on TV; shooting someone with a pistol – any pistol – is no guarantee that they’re going to stop attacking you or other innocent life.…

  • How Safe Is Purse Carry?  Let’s Talk About It!

    A lot of people – not just women – bring their concealed carry firearm along in a bag.  It’s become so common, Mississippi has decided to rule it’s not even considered a concealed firearm. Unfortunately, it can be dangerous even if done properly.  That’s just flat up the honest truth.  A purse isn’t attached to…

  • When Is It Okay To Draw Your Gun During A Fight?

    An often occurring question that crosses every concealed carrier’s mind is: when is the right time to draw?  As we learn and become aware of the growing firearms community, we see some of the shocking and unbelievable circumstances that can sometimes occur doing routine things in life – like going to the grocery store. Today…

  • 5 Defensive Scenarios: When To Get Out Of The Car

    In many concealed carry courses, instructors will usually advise that when people are approaching your car – stay in the car.  And in some cases, this is a good strategy.  It works really well when you can hit the gas.  We’re going to go through a few different iterations of when it’s a good idea…

  • Should You Practice Shooting With Your Non-Dominant Hand?

    *Until comfortable and confident, all drills should be done with an unloaded firearm* This is a question that pops up a lot with cross-dominant eye shooters.  Those are people who have a dominant eye on the opposite side of their dominant hand.  It makes for interesting times trying to find a shooting style that accommodates…

  • Should You Use Your Concealed Carry Firearm If You’re A Bystander? Here Are 3 Scenarios

    We get asked this question a lot.  It’s only natural we’d try to throw in our two cents.  There are a lot of factors in this equation – so we’re going to break it down by scenario. We’re using these scenarios to illustrate the concept of why deadly force may or may not be justified. …

  • Different Sighting Methods To Use During Defensive Gun Use

    By Jon via American Concealed The legendary lawman Wyatt Earp once said, “Fast is fine, but accuracy is everything.” When you’re under attack though, sometimes fast is all you get. Here’s how to make the most of it. The truth is, violent scenarios can take on any form. You might only have the time to fire…