Beginners Guides
Criteria For Choosing A Concealed Carry Gun
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The Yankee Marshall did a great video explaining how he broke down the process of selecting a new concealed carry handgun. In that process, he breaks it down by a whole number of schema such as: Size — How Well Can You Conceal It? Reliability — How Confident Are You With It? Comfort — How…
Beginners Guide: Got Proper Stance?
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By Robert Farago via The Truth About Guns Shooting a gun – while standing still without facing incoming fire – isn’t complicated. There are four basic components: sight picture, stance (which includes grip), breathing and trigger control. That’s a bit like saying playing the blues isn’t complicated. While a non-musicians can learn the three-chord blues progression in minutes the…
You Are The Best Advocate For Concealed Carry, And Some Friends Are Depending On Your Knowledge
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When my friends find out that I carry, we start to talk. Most are interested in the topic and have never really … talked it through. I’ve had dozens of conversations that happen just like this and in the end, that friend is usually seriously considering a firearm for self-defense and concealed carry. If you’re…
Firearm serial numbers. They’re normally located on the barrel and the upper receiver but depending upon the age of the gun — there may only be one. It’s the number that gets pulled for the Form 4473 that gets saved alongside the authentication of the background check. Whoops! The gun got stolen. Bad news. Bad…
How To Defend Against A Gun [VIDEO NSFW]
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By Robert Farago via The Truth About Guns In this video – as in all of these disarm videos – the bad guy holds the gun steady, well within the good guy’s reach. In this situation, even someone who hasn’t studied under Wing Chun Tai Chi JKD Master Wong has a pretty good chance of stopping the bad guy from shooting…
This is a topic that came via request from our Facebook fans. In the concealed carry community, we all know how important it is to strive for realistic conditions in our training. Not only does this tune us in for realistic expectations in an actual self-defense situation, it develops a certain amount of “muscle memory”…
Police Stations Police stations and any office designated for law enforcement is considered a “gun free zone” for concealed carriers. You’re not allowed to transport, carry, or possess a firearm on your person. Jails & Prisons Any facility designated a detention facility – whether it be a jail or holding cell or a federal or…
The hardest part about gun control advocacy groups is that their followers tend to mindlessly regurgitate slogans and memes that defy logical debate. Memes are great for that witty tongue-in-cheek retort but they’re absolutely worthless when it comes to accuracy or credibility. Fighting Past The Dank Memes Facebook and Twitter are great platforms for posting…