Dean Weingarten
Not Guilty, and Handcuffed; Woman Forced to Shoot Attacking Ex At Gas Station In Houston
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video platformvideo managementvideo solutionsvideo player The young woman shown above was clearly justified in shooting the ex-boyfriend who attacked her. There were witnesses. She repeatedly attempted to disengage, and only resorted to shooting after being repeatedly attacked. From The woman said she was forced to shoot her ex-boyfriend in the leg because he was…
Second Amendment Friendly Verizon Store
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I had been meaning to update my phone for a long time. I probably should have done it four years ago. Finally, circumstances pushed me to do this necessary task. Due, in part, to the insane federal restrictions on gun mufflers, I have suffered significant hearing loss. I wanted certain technological inclusions with any hearing…
The commonsense ruling that the second amendment applies outside of the home in the Peruta court case in the Ninth Circuit will now be decided by a hearing of an en banc panel of the justices of the Circuit. Decided in favor of the plaintiff, procedural motions eventually led to a at least one judge…
SB45, the Kansas constitutional carry bill, has passed the House of representatives with a veto proof margin of 85 to 39. Some technical amendments were added in the House Committee of Federal and State Affairs, so the bill may have to be confirmed in the Senate before it is sent to Governor Brownback. It is…
You have to give West Virginia Governor Earl Ray Tomblin credit for Machiavellian use of power. He cleverly waited until the legislature adjourned, sine die, before vetoing the popular constitutional carry bill. The bill SB 347, would have removed some of the restrictions on carrying concealed weapons by those who can legally own them. It…
Texas Senate Passes Campus Carry 20-11
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SB11, the Texas campus carry bill that allows adults with concealed handgun licenses to carry on public university campuses, passed the Texas Senate yesterday, 18 March, 2015, on a vote of 20 to 11(pdf). The bill was amended to require that people with concealed handgun licenses must keep their handguns concealed while on public campuses.…
Shooting Is Deadly Force, Even In The Leg
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Chart from, a site that tracks Chicago shootings Shooting a person is a deadly serious business. There is always a chance that the person shot will die. The latest statistics that we have from Wisconsin is that about one out of eight people shot die. At the Chicago site shown above, the number for…
A poll is being run in the, asking the following question: Do you think the legislature should pass the bill that lets people carry a concealed weapon without a permit? A gun reform bill, SB 347 is waiting to be signed by Governor Tomblin. It was passed with overwhelming majorities in the West Virginia…