
Chicago Neighbor Shoots And Kills 8-Year-Old Girl For Making Too Much Noise While Playing Outside

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS — A 43-year-old man, Michael Goodman, was charged with first-degree murder in connection to the fatal shooting of an 8-year-old girl, Sarabi Medina, in Chicago’s Portage Park neighborhood.

The tragic incident occurred on Saturday night when Sarabi, who was riding her scooter, was allegedly shot by Goodman for making too much noise. Neighbors mentioned that the community had often reassured Goodman that the children were merely playing.

“It just didn’t make sense. None of it made sense,” neighbor Megan Kelle told reporters. “Everybody in the community would just tell him they are just kids having fun playing. Just let them be.”

Following the incident, Sarabi’s father confronted Goodman and during the altercation, Goodman was shot and later hospitalized. Community activist Andrew Holmes recounted how Sarabi’s father tackled Goodman, saying “He ran over there, football-tackled this guy.”

As of Monday, Goodman was in custody, with no attorney available for comment. Memorials, including stuffed animals and sunflowers, were seen near the location of the shooting in remembrance of Sarabi.

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