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12-Year-Old Boy Shoots And Kills 200 Pound Bear, Saving Dad From Mauling

A 12-year-old boy saved his father from a 200-pound black bear during a rare attack in Burnett County, Wisconsin. The father-son duo was hunting when the bear attacked, but the boy’s quick action with his rifle ended the threat.

SIREN, WI (1-minute read) — A 12-year-old boy courageously saved his father from a black bear attack earlier this month in rural western Wisconsin. The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources reported that the incident occurred east of Siren, in southern Burnett County, where the father and son were hunting.

The boy first shot the bear after spotting it while hunting. The injured bear fled into the woods, with the family’s dog following its blood trail. The two soon found themselves face-to-face with the bear again. As the bear charged, the father, 43-year-old Ryan Beierman, fired his handgun but was overpowered by the animal. The 200-pound bear pounced on Ryan, biting him on his abdomen, arm, and leg. Despite his efforts to fend off the attack by striking the bear with his handgun, the situation escalated quickly.

Just as the bear was overpowering Ryan, his 12-year-old son Owen took decisive action. Owen, carrying his rifle, fired a shot that killed the bear, saving his father’s life in the process.

Ryan suffered multiple injuries, including puncture wounds to his arm and deep lacerations to his cheek, which required 23 stitches. The entire attack lasted less than a minute but left lasting scars on both father and son.

Safety Tip: If you encounter a bear, stay calm, slowly back away, and avoid sudden movements. Never run from a bear, and always carry bear spray or a firearm in bear-prone areas.

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